The view was great. The beach (Pebbly) was quite long and one end leads to this mountain.
The other end extends to this slope. There are a few fishing boats on this end. I guess some fishing families stays here.
Here is a closer look of the beech. It is not sand, they are small stones. The water is quite clean and quite clear too. It is also not too salty like those sea water in Malaysia.
My gang had lots of fun on the beach. But the water is really cold. It is probably around 18 degrees celcius. For the locals, it is nice and cooling. For me... Freezing !!!
That's a jelly fish on my head... It is not poisonous.
And.. As usual.. I take lots of pictures whenever I travel.
Very nice sunset. I used my 300mm Zoom lense to get the sun this huge.
And.. this is the Night Sky. Click to enlarge. You can see the Stars in the sky... Taken using long exposure time (30seconds)
Well.. It was a GREAT trip. At least.. the very first visit to the beach I have in Dalian..