20 March 2006

A new beginning... (again)

Well... March 18th 2006.

A day to remember. It is the day I pack up and leave for China to start working in Dalian with a new Team in the office and stuff like that.

I have already secured an apartment near the office and Dalian town over in China with the help of a office mate. From the pictures she sent me, the apartment looks ok.. I will SURE to post the pictures and writings on the office in the later blogs for you to enjoy.

My flight to China is such :

Time - Flight # - Destination
2140 - MH1167 - Penang to KL
0140 - MH386 - KL to Shanghai
1050 - CZ6522 - Shanghai to Dalian

Depart from Penang @ 9:40pm.. and Arrive in Dalian at 1:00pm...
It is a super tiring 15 hours journey (6 hours was wasted in the Airport transfer)

I packed 1 LARGE luggage bag and a Large Box for my clothes and computer to be checked in.. and with me, I carry my camera bag and a backpack with my own notebook and some personal stuff. Kinda heavy and tiring.

The picture beside shows that my items are probably THROWN inside these containers..

I spent most of my time in the airport transfer hall reading "The Lost World - Jurassic Park" and watching the DVD "Catch me if you can" on my notebook. Time flies quite fast when you are "Busy"

Finally.. I arrived safely... and found out about the Airport Cargo service quality..

Here is my box after the 15 hours journey... It looks like a packed, seasoned, salted cabbage...

I warned the airport people about the contents and told them to have Fragile warning stickers all around it.. (Which they did... MAS stick 2 of them and China Airlines stick 4 of them)

Let's see if the items in the box survives the trip...

This is my notebook from the Box !!! Notice anything wrong? My LCD is CRACKED !!!

Well, I can't do anything. The Airport did warned me about this... I am really sad.. but only for a while until my sadness changed to horrified !!

How am I gonna tell my Boss ??? (Thank God this is my second notebook and I have my other notebook to use in the office.)

Oh well... What a GREAT START for my career in Dalian, China....

Next posting.. I will show you my nice Apartment....


jack said...

no insurance for the laptop?!!!


Anonymous said...

oh bummer.. this is SO bad! my condolence... poor notebook. hope it gets fixed soon... with no problems.